Tuesday, October 11, 2011

#AusUnions: out there fighting for ordinary Aussies every day

When I first entered the workforce some two decades ago, becoming a union leader wasn’t even on my radar.

Unions have helped thousands affected by asbestos. Pic: Daily TelegraphUnions have helped thousands affected by asbestos. Pic: Daily Telegraph

I became a nurse to help other people and contribute to my community. Funnily enough, in a different way, that’s still what I’m doing today.

I stumbled into unionism because of my belief that collectively, we can achieve progressive change in our workplaces and for society. That remains my motivation today. It’s the same for the thousands of union delegates who are at work every day, not just doing their own jobs, but ensuring fair treatment for their workmates.

Union delegates do this work not for personal reward but because they believe in the values of the union movement. They believe that workers need representation to enforce their rights, and that people working together can deliver results that we can’t achieve on our own.

The union movement is only as strong as those fantastic members who ensure that employees can deal with their bosses as equals, and that fairness is a reality not just an abstract concept. We also have thousands more union officials who support those delegates with the same determination to make life better for working Australians.

Australia’s unions have 1.8 million members, across every industry and in every town and suburb in Australia. Conservatives can attack unions all they want, but they cannot deny the reach of the movement and the way it represents ordinary Australians.

I recently released the results of the ACTU’s Working Australia Census – an in-depth survey of almost 42,000 union members which found that Australians still expect the union movement to defend rights at work and to fight for a fairer Australia.

The census also found that union members are “joiners” who want to be involved in the community – 48 per cent of them do volunteer work.

The union movement has always been a way for people to contribute to society, as well as fighting for fairer and safer workplaces. As unions, we exist to stand up for workers across all walks of life in Australia.

When we come together as a collective, we are a powerful voice which has secured strong rights at work, safer workplaces, secure retirement incomes, social protections and much more for the mums, dads, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters who make up our members.

Delegates of the CFMEU fight for safety on construction sites. They do this in spite of the draconian Australian Building and Construction Commission, which has the power to secretly interrogate construction workers.

Unions have helped thousands of workers affected by asbestos, often years after their retirement, and has pushed for better safety laws to ensure that we do not see a repeat of this tragedy.

The Australian Services Union is leading a campaign for equal pay, which, if successful, will see pay rises for the predominantly female workers in the community sector.

It is of course disappointing when we hear of allegations of wrongdoings by any union official. Indeed, what makes this news is because it flies in the face of what unionism is. It contradicts the very core of what we do every single day right across our country.

Investigations are underway and they should be allowed to run their course without prejudice. These are, after all, unproven allegations at this stage.

As a general principle, any form of corruption is of course not tolerated by the union movement, and any officials who are found guilty of misusing workers funds should be punished.

Unions are accountable to their members and also to regulators. They are required to provide annual reports and audits, in much the same way as a public company is. Australia’s requirements for union financial probity and governance are among the most onerous in the world. We have no complaints; that is a fact of life.

And just as we don’t condemn all company directors, for the sins of a few corporate criminals, we should not lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of union officials and representatives are honest, hard-working people.

I think this is important because there is a strong move among conservatives to reduce the role of unions in our workplaces. This is a long term project of theirs: diminish unions, and it makes it easier to undermine workers’ rights.

One of the main findings of the Working Australia Census was that many workers are unhappy about the way Australia is heading, and expect the union movement to stand up, not just for fair pay and conditions, but also to defend the health and education systems and other social infrastructure that make Australia the envy of the world.

Despite the push towards privatisation, economic rationalism, and corporatisation, most Australians still believe in the values of equality and community. Millions of Australians don’t buy into the economic orthodoxy that puts the market ahead of the wellbeing of a society. It’s time their voices were heard.

The union movement has been part of the Australian story since its beginning. We have been part of building the society we know today. From our role in aged pensions, Medicare, superannuation and paid parental leave.

Every day union representatives are out there keeping workplaces safe, and making sure the concerns of ordinary workers get a fair hearing with bosses. This is not the sort of thing that makes headlines, but it does make a difference.

Posted via email from The Left Hack

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