Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Petition | SAVE OUR TAFE

A well resourced public TAFE sector is vital to achieving a skilled workforce and contributes to reducing inequalities in society.

TAFE NSW has been the gold standard in the Australian vocational education and training system for generations meeting the collective needs of society, students and industry.

The drastic cuts announced to NSW TAFE will damage the TAFE sector in NSW and will see skill levels in NSW decline.

The cuts will see many important TAFE jobs lost, will stretch the already hardworking but overworked employees and will lead to TAFE courses being cut.

The cuts and the 9.5% fee increase will disproportionately affect students in disadvantaged and regional areas who rely on TAFE for accessible, high-quality skills training.

Regional economies will also be affected as jobs are cut from the local TAFE.

The CPSU calls on the NSW Government to reverse its funding cuts to TAFE or risk ongoing damage to the reputation and effectiveness of TAFE in NSW.

1 comment:

  1. Ian Lisser - Camapaign Organiser CPSU (SPSF) NSWSeptember 14, 2012 at 3:09 PM

    thanks for posting Darin - its been close to 48 hours scince we set up the petition and we have close to 1,100 supporters who have sent messages to the government that Enough is Enough! Our aim is to keep up the campaign - we want a constant stream of protest and ask all our supporters to share the online petition with friends, family, neighbors - and work mates. this is about education, jobs and above all what sort of community we want - thanks for promoting the petition and keep it going :)
